Zucchini Benefits For Dogs

Zucchini for dogs

Zucchini, summer squash, courgette, whatever you call it- it’s good for your dog! Yep, that’s right! Zucchini has several health benefits for your pup!

Zucchini is full of antioxidants, great for digestion, and full of other nutrients and vitamins! Also, it helps with dogs who are trying to shed a few pounds! Zucchini is also plentiful in potassium, zinc, magnesium, and phosphorus!

While zucchini does have a lot of health benefits for your dog, it is still important to remember one major concern when feeding your dog zucchini. Always avoid giving your dog bitter zucchini, as that is a sign to a nasty biochemical called cucurbitacin.

Don’t fear! You can easily avoid getting bitter zucchini by shopping organic and choosing smaller ones. Also, when serving zucchini to your dog- don’t peel it first! The skin of zucchini has the highest amounts of antioxidants, and also adds fiber. And always, if you’re not sure, you can taste a little piece first! If it’s bitter, go find better!

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