How Safe Are Pig And Cow Ears?

Dehydrated beef ears

Every dog owner loves to give their pup a treat. But lately, dog owners have been becoming more knowledgeable about the health risks that some treats might pose to their pup, and have been searching for safer options! This is where cow and pig ears have their moment to shine.

The biggest reason why ears are a great treat idea is because they are made of cartilage. This means that dogs with tender teeth can easily chew them because they are malleable and soft. Not only that, but they are great for your pup’s oral hygiene! Because cow and pig ears have a chewy outside layer, gnawing on these treats allows plaque and tartar to be easily scraped away. 

When buying ears, the most important thing to remember is to buy them unprocessed. This means that they will still hold their natural taste and nutrients. Additionally, if you can, raw ears from pasture-raised animals are best for your pup.

When feeding ears to your pup, make sure you wash your hands and surfaces! Salmonella outbreaks have been linked to these treats, and while that won’t affect your dog, it can get you sick! For that reason, it’s best to keep the treats away from your kids. 

As always, feed this treat in moderation. Pork isn’t a low-fat food and calories can multiply quickly. As with any other chew treat, make sure you don’t leave your dog unsupervised!

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