Mercury Poisoning In Dogs

mercury poisoning

It’s sad, but mercury poisoning is on the rise, and is a threat to your dog. But, by being educated on the warning signs, and learning how to mitigate the effects of mercury poisoning, you can keep your pup safe.

There are a wide variety of symptoms that come from mercury poisoning, but they can include: skin inflammation, anxiety, trembling, muscle weakness, and many more. If you’re experiencing these symptoms yourself, there is a chance your pup is too. Unfortunately, mercury can cause problems with your dog’s endocrine system, thyroid, immune system, and also bring on accelerated aging.

While it’s hard to avoid exposure, there are steps you can take to help. These include avoiding over-vaccination and pharmaceutical drugs, feeding organic foods, using filtered water, and running an air filter. You can also use supplements, including: probiotics, bentonite clay, chlorella, spirulina, and NAC. The most important thing to keep your pup safe is to stay educated!

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