Is Hemp Seed Oil Good For Dogs?

hemp oil for dogs

What’s the first association you have with the word hemp? Cannabis? Hippies? Did you know hemp is one of the oldest and most versatile plants on Earth, and has many health benefits for your pup? Hemp in the form of an oil has the perfect ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 fatty acids that your dog can’t produce on their own.

Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) is an essential Omega-6 fatty acid found in hemp oil that fights cancer by reducing inflammation and strengthening your dog’s immune system. By reducing inflammation, it also aids with joint pain your dog may have.

Hemp seeds are commonly used in beauty products. For dogs, it promotes healthy cellular growth which in turn helps to improve their skin and coat.

There are a few things to remember before giving your dog hemp. First, if you cook your pup’s food, do not add hemp oil to it while it’s cooking- wait until after. Also, if your dog is already eating chicken, hemp oil may not be beneficial, as chicken already has polyunsaturated fats and linoleic acid. Otherwise, hemp seed oil is a great way to ensure a balanced diet!

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