Goat Milk For Your Dog

goat milk

Did you know that the most consumed milk in the world is goat milk? Depending on your dog, it could be good for them. It’s better than cow milk because it contains more proteins, phosphates, potassium, calcium, and vitamin C. But, that’s not the only reason. It’s also easier to digest, and has prebiotics and probiotics that help with gut health. Goat milk also helps your pup with nutrient absorption, whereas cow milk makes it harder for your dog’s body to absorb iron and copper.

Although goat milk has its benefits, it might not be right for your dog. For example, if your dog has a lactose intolerance, you should stay away from it. If you are unsure if your dog has an intolerance, it’s okay to introduce it to them slowly. It also has more saturated fat and calories than cow milk, so if you give it to your pup, make sure to balance their diet accordingly. And, it can also be the root of digestive and skin issues that cause inflammation.

No matter what, you should not feed your dog goat milk if they have skin or digestive issues. Likewise, if your pup is suffering from cancer, obesity, or pancreatitis, you should steer clear of it.

If you do decide goat milk is right for your dog, try your best to find it from organically raised, low stress, antibiotic & GMO-free, pastured and grass-fed goats. It’s best to seek out raw milk because it has high quantities of lactose enzymes and isn’t processed. Start slow, and work it into their diet!

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