The Different Types of Dog Food

different types of food for dogs

Did you know that Americans buy 40,000 tons of pet food a day? There are so many types of dog food, and it’s best to consider all your options when shopping! When people are shopping for pet food, they base their decisions on three factors: economy, convenience, and nutrition. 

The first of the major dog foods is kibble- which meets the needs of cost and convenience. Kibble is cheap because it doesn’t need refrigeration. It’s also extremely convenient to feed.  

Next up is canned food, which is a bit more expensive than kibble but can last for months if it is unopened. It’s very convenient to feed, but needs to be refrigerated after it is opened. Canned food is heated in a huge pressure cooker that makes it sterile. This means that there can be no virus, mold, or bacteria in it. 

Frozen food is also an option that is a little bit more costly and less convenient. It must be stored frozen and then thawed before feeding. Along the same lines is freeze-dried. It is the same as kibble for convenience and needs no refrigeration like some of the other options. While it isn’t as cheap as kibble, it’s better for taste and nutrition.  

Finally, homemade food is natural and fresh.

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